Saturday 9 June 2012

 Actually I do love to become an a stewardess in any flight agency, so that i can travel  around the world and can see and meeting different races, culture and of course i will try to learn/knowing different- different language too.. How fun it is kan (: then suddenly when i was on form 5, i was fall in  love into the law career, which is to become a  lawyer, by using a smart bleazer and groom nicely..its look cool what! and this is the challenging profession that i knows. which, u need to learn bagai nak rakkkk about the law, handle the cases and the most best thing is, you can make a lot of money-moneyy $$$$..hahaha.. (: such a best career right ?
okay, bah2..back to the storyy..

and Now, I was Year Two semester 4 student and was I studying at One of the Faculty In nursing around Sarawak. Proudly i said, i'm happy to become a student Nurse and the one and only medical person in whole of my family and turun-temurun..HAhA.. over act lah pulak nie...  eventho, I did not achieved my dream that i had been mention in paragraph one, but i'm "pasrah" and leave it , and let God to do his work, i know, He was wrote a wonderful journey to me and you since born and now..and I belive in it..jd..bersyukurlah dengan apa yang anda miliki sekarang.. okay :S

# 1..The most best thing when you become a student nurse is you should be proud to yourself. You know why? It is because nursing is a highly trained and a very skilled profession.. And i'm very proud to myself (: 
In one day i can learn a lot of skilled,  let say 11/15 skill per-day..and i stand with one motto that madam Susan had told me " see,, what peoples CANNOT see, and do what peoples CANNOT do" yeaah.. and by joined this type of career , we are one of the professional person and the only one who carry a license, just like an physician.. can you believe it? (: nice kan..hehe.. Beside that, i was trained in anatomy, all about the disease, chronic disease mostly, how the diseases process, pharmacology, psychology, critical thinking, judgement, nursing progress, and much more in class before getting to practical sessions. Once again I would like to said that, i'm proud to become  student nurse and AMEN~, will be a registered Nurse in future too. I know i had complain a lot to my family about (tired lah, malas lah, being a nurse is bored lah, and so on lahh*merapu sini sana kan), but at the end of the day, I feel very happy and good that i was still able to change someone life, if only in small way and sometime in big and large ways. Oh ya, and of course when i'm can help a person in their difficult life. (: ITS WAS VERY GRATIFYING!

#2, the second wonderful thing that i had been experienced when i was in my practical season is, to differentiate, where is the most-most-most important and you should do first and other thing will be done later?..  can you all catch what i mean? --------- It is mean, always remember to prioritize! sometime this can be very-very tricky at time---- This is one of the scenario that my Clinical instructor(CI) had  asking me.. *let say,one middle age patients is calling for pain killer medication , and one of the old lady is calling you and complaint that she cannot breath and having a SOB (Shortness of breath) who will you see first? and by my critical thinking that i had learn at class before, easily I can answer my CI question..
then i answer like this " It is to obvious madam~ you know what, pain never-- and would not killed anyone immediately, but not being able to breath CAN..its only take a, I will meeting and help the old lady first and give her an oxygen and put the patient's in the fowler position, so that she can  breath as usual.. if the old lady condition is getting worst, I will called the Doctor immediately..oh yaa~ of course the middle age of lady will getting angry and may complaint about me, but i won't mind, because the one who was possibly dying will remember the effort that i had been done to her forever..hopefully.. (:  ------- madam was so suprice with the answer..then she was smiling at me and said "well done" my children, keep it up~ " 
---> that was the most best thing in my life since i was being a student nurse.. felt like being a student nurse is so rewarding. What is startles me more is that i can answer a lot of their question and its feels very good.. eventho i'm just a student nurse and not an a registered nurse yet, but i happy because i can share my knowledge to my patient mostly..  

so, enjoyed the life haaa (: dont waste the chance that had come to youu.. grab it and use it.hehe
..okay idea g kamek.. bye!

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