Saturday 23 June 2012

I love you my Man , Mr warren! ♥

In life, There will be a hard times and Good times,
Sometime there must be an arguing between us, almost everyday .. AHH, Im be so tired and my eyes can't stop crying..B U T, I doesn't care--------
the time that I have met have been the VERY BEST in life because Your L O V E is unique is unlike any other love in the world ..
Besides that, If i'm with you, I feel totally different, I feel good through of the problems that have happened surround me, we fall and turn raise as it should be. So,
I always give thanks to GOd and pray, so that HE will put us in the same way to fall in  L O V E and you will never leave me.
It seems like yesterday when the first time i'm meeting you and now its was 3 years already that we had been together, THANK YOU OH LORD~ I LOVE YOU TILL THE END sayang, and wanna say thank you for be with me all the time,  LOVING me and supporting me , and lastly course take care of me.. 

your beloved love

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