Thursday 3 May 2012

The 10 reasOn, jane sayang youu ^__^

#1 mostly, the reason why i'm LOVING you, it is because.. You are very patient guy .then you worth my Heart.. Hehehe 

#2 for being a honest persOn that i know, I believe in you that you will not lies. Besides that , i know you will share anything that you want too.. that what was i had observed before. Thank you man.

#3 because you will make me Laugh, in whateva situation is..either im in a swing mood , cryinggg and so On.. You will try very harder to find an ideas to make me smile again.. sweeet.  MOSTLY FOR HOLDING ME AND BORROW ME YOUR SHOULDER FOR ME TO CRY. 

# 4 Because you are quit understanding person that i know. Never get angry easily and also never tired by advising me again , again and again. Hehe.. Degil ba me.. **

# 5  because of your terrific sense of humor.

#6 i  Love your beautiful eyess.. *ngelintik bulu mata * :D

# 7 the mostly i do love on youu is, you let me live freely without jealousy. Thank you jabb.. *walaupon sometime ada rasa sebegitu but i trying mu best to avoid that feeling..because i know, my man won't do thee things that i really don't like. 

# 8 then, I love the way youu handle troubled time. you will always have an ideas to settle it down..for example, when we had a bit a arguing , you will had an ideas to settle it immediately.. dengan kata lain, sttle pada msa tu juga, then esOk dh x ingat lg dh..bak kata pepatah, "buang yang keruh, ambil yang jernih kan jabing! hahahaha.. 

#9 i love the way you protect and defend me,, mostly the ways you protect me, its make me felt so safety when im with youuu..

# conclusion, it is because.. my heart is choosen youu and  143 for ever and ever ! :D

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