Wednesday 9 May 2012

My Dreams of Red ?? :D

Everything is red, will looked very nice for my eyes. Instant of pink, I'm very addict to my new favorite color now which are Red, red and red.. (:  and according to what i had been search at google's,, Red exudes a strong and powerful masculine energy.  Beside that, its content of pioneering spirit and leadership qualities for an individual, promoting ambition and determination. Some peoples said that, red is to dangerous and a symbol of angry and quick-tempered.. emm, its?? but i don't care , for me , Red is gorgeous (: ..and back to our topic which is My dream of red?and  ---> what is thats mean? can you guess? haha.. okay lah.. "tak nak merapu-rapu lg" actually I really dream for having my own house in future, and of course I also had an plan for my home sweet home decoration too..Hehe..eventho its too early for me to plan all of this but it inspire me so i will studying  and struggle hard to achieved what i really want in life..cewaahh... (: Amen..

come, check it out .. (:

(google's picture)

I really dream for having a beautiful living room like this in future. Besides that, I will put one glasses vase that fully of roses near the tv carbinet and it is because of what? because i do love the roses lah..of course no others reason than that..haha.. em, pa lagi oouh? the most importantly, I will hang a big- big frame of my family photo at the wall.. dan yang lebih penting lagi,  ruang ini selesa untuk seisi keluarga. (:. Disamping itu juga, saya x berape suka ruang tamu yang sarat dengan carbinet-carbinet, sebab ape? ruang jadi kecil dan sempit..malah cicak nak lalu pun boleh terkepit tau..hehehe.. *just kidding* 
as what as been showed at the picture also, looks very great enough.. Love itt.. (:

next, we move to the dining room..
(google's picture)

simple jee, asalkan muat for all my family members. Nibuh canggih mat meh, ndur tu mina kena kami sebilik matah ke lengan ajak..haha.. as usual, everything inside the house, must in a red color. FULLstop!


(google's picture)

simple and comfortable for the whole family. no any description should i said about the bathroom.. ideaass.. (: 

kitchen (: twink-twink..
(google picture)

i wish for the kitchen exactly like this one in the future. The combination of the red color and the silver are look very nice enough..see,  nicekan peeps ~.. aagh, kalo gini, dapur di masa hadapan, semangat lah aku nak memasak..hehe..(:


my kids bedrooms(:

 Google's picture

no description  should i wrote here..because i really wanted the exactly like that for my home sweet home in the future.. (: hehe..

*actually, i had no ideas*

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